Sunday, September 21, 2008

Sassy, Becky, Jess and Alan- thank you for your comments. I can't adequately express (having trouble with that lately) what it means to me, but it means a lot.

I apologize that it's been so long since that last post. I've been trying to catch up on everyone else's blogs. I go to leave a comment but whatever I'm about to type will suddenly sound to me like the stupidest thing in the entire world so I don't comment.

I don't know what's wrong with me.

That's it. That's all I got.


beckyboop said...

I hate it when that happens. I just left a dumb comment on someone's blog. I do it anyway. It's just me. I can't help. I wonder if my comments piss people off. I hope not. I just let it spew.

Hug the kids!

Love you my Hollyhoo.

alan said...

There's nothing wrong with you at all...sometimes I wonder the same thing as Becky, but I figure if my heart is in the right place they'll understand, just like she does!

I'm just glad to see you here brighten this world just by being in it!


Sassy said...

Say what you want, honey. NOTHING you say will EVER seem stupid to me!

I LOVE YOU...stupid comments or not! =)

Miss you, Hoo :XO